Thursday, December 06, 2007

cocks and wings and feathers

So yesterday, I had some one cancel. I was sitting down and waiting for a walk-in, and drew a dinosaur. I got interrupted, though, when

two women walked in asking for tattoos. They were awesome chicks, one wanted a "love" kanji with wings around it...and didn't care much what I drew as long as it wasn't too syrupy-girly. So I drew this for her:

and then her friend wanted something from the flash rack. cherry creek, #135. we all know it, haha. So I re-drew it a bit and tattooed it as clean and awesome as possible. I am actually really happy with it. The flowy knots were particularly fun. I also did a tan sort of backdrop for the dreamcatcher...the tattoo fit her well, really.

I also finished the outline of Morgan's chest panel. I save the outlines for last when I do organic work- she has been walking around with just a greyline for a while now. It was ripe for the finishing.

then today, I had someone reschedule. This time of year people get really unreliable. But it's fine with me- I just grab whoever is waiting or walking in, and tattoo away...I did this cock with a pierced head that hangs below the knee on derek today. It was soooo fun. Based on a small painting I did for a friend.

then I did a tiny re-work of some script. I forgot to take a picture, it was very late when I got done. Tomorrow I am doing a full day of pirate/ship stuff....a ghost ship, then a pirate skeleton hand in the sea....and touching up a pirate will be a great work day YAY for PIRACY

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